Technology Acceptance and Adoption in TVET Institutions (E)
Stream: Supporting Teaching, Learning and Student SuccessTechnical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) provides technical and vocational skills to meet the national human resource requirements in different sectors. In the recent past, there has been an increasing concern on training and learning methods that could be employed in TVET institutions amidst COVID 19 pandemic. As a result, TVET institutions in Kenya have been experimenting with e-learning to provide trainees with the necessary skills. However, acceptance and adoption of technology-enabled learning are yet to reach the equivalence of the TVET sector. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the implications of Technology Acceptance, Adoption, and Sustainability among TVET Trainers. The study’s objectives is to explore the strategies employed in technology acceptance and adoption and establish the importance of technology in addressing the gap for 21st-century skills needs of TVET Institutions. The study focuses on management’s adaptability to learning approaches, including learning delivery alternatives, leveraging deep roots within communities, and expanding online learning.The study is adopting a collaborative exploratory approach. What’s the relationship between technology acceptance, adoption, and online training in TVET Institutions? What factors affect the access and delivery of training programs in most TVET institutions. Guidelines and approaches toward technology-enabled learning be developed collaboratively.
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